Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken

Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken

  • 1 lb Chicken thighs
  • 1/4 large Egg
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1/8 tsp white Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Five spice powder
  • 1 tsp cooking Wine
  • 1 tsp Garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp Ginger, minced
  • 2/3 cup Sweet potato starch
  • 7 Basil leaves, thoroughly dried
  • 1/2 tbsp salt and 1/2 tbsp pepper mixture
  1. Dry chicken thoroughly and tenderize with back of knife. Cut into bite-sized cubes.
  2. Marinade chicken in egg, salt, pepper, sugar, 5 spice, wine, garlic, and ginger for at least 30 minutes to overnight.
  3. Heat cast iron pan with vegetable oil for deep frying.
  4. Once the oil is rest, coat chicken in sweet potato starch.
  5. Fry on medium for about 3 minutes until cooked, set aside.
  6. Fry basil leaves for 1 minute, set aside.
  7. Fry chicken again on high heat for 1 minute. This forces the oil out so it doesn’t become greasy and soggy.
  8. Shake cooked chicken in salt and pepper mixture. Have fun with it!
  9. Garnish with basil to serve.

*You may choose to add chilli powder to your seasoning mix for that extra kick!*

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